Be Creative Everyday

Be Creative Everyday

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Scrapbooker's Dictionary
I found this delightful Scrapbooker's Dictionary written by Heather Dewaelsche in the 1st edition of Chicken Soup for The Scrapbooker's Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson and simply had to share an extract with all my blogger Peeps!  Hope you enjoy it............

ARCHIVAL SAFE: A locked container for Scrapbook supplies.
CHOCOLATE: Food for Thought.
CRAFTS: What a Woman should be in order to hide Scrapbook purchases from her husband.
CREATIVE JUICES: Beverages consumed while Scrapbooking.
CROP: (verb) To remove all the dirty dishes, piles of clothes and other household clutter from photos (noun). A get-together where Scrapbookers eat, drink, socialize and occasionally complete a page layout.
DIE CUT: A Scrapbooking injury caused by a craft knife, scissors or other sharp object.
ENLARGEMENT: What needs to be done to every Scrapbookers workspace.
HOMEMADE: What every Scrapbooker needs so that they can spend more time Scrapbooking and less time cleaning.
LAYOUT: What photos, paper and embellishments do on a Scrapbooker's table for hours (sometimes days) at a time.
PAGE PROTECTOR: A Scrapbooker with young children.
PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: A sale at a camera store.
PRECIOUS MOMENTS: Time spent Scrapbooking.
SCRAPBOOK RETREAT: When you walk away from a Scrapbook layout in progress for a period of time so as to better evaluate it on returning.
SCRAPBOOK STORE: What you do with the album you bought just because it looked so cute.
SPRAY ADHESIVE: What a Scrapbooker should do when she finds a good man that supports her hobby.
TRIMMER: What a Scrapbooking hobby makes your wallet.
UN-DO: An imaginery button you wish you could press when you make a mistake on a Scrapbook layout.


  1. love this. So glad you are using your blog at last!

  2. This is just adorable...I saw it posted on scrapbook sisters with a link back to you and I just had to see your your sense of humor...and look forward to stalking errrr.....following you....:)
