Be Creative Everyday

Be Creative Everyday

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Favourite Layouts

On days when my creativity is blocked by chores, errands, meal planning, "Mom's Taxi" Service etc, I find it useful to repeat a favourite Scrapbook layout in different colours and prints of paper.   

This is one of my personal  favourite "old" Scrapbook layouts. 

Scrapbooking Pet Pages

This is a double page layout of "Gypsy", our Family's Faithful Companion. 
Photographing one's dog is like a mini workout at the gym as one has to negotiate a good few "knee crunches" to get down to their level.......not to mention good balance as you try to keep the camera from moving  as you snap away in a "crouching tiger" position!  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Echo Park - Dots and Stripes

I really enjoyed creating greeting cards with the latest range of Echo Park Paper - Dots and Stripes! I felt especially inspired by the fresh and crisp teal blue and had fun with circles, my all time favourite shape. Circles have a sense of continuity, fun and energy and always make me feel HaPpY!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Hi and Thank You for taking the time to pop into my "little" bit of cyberspace: The Happi Scrappin BlogSpot! I hope that you will find this a place to share in my passion for Scrapbooking and Cardmaking and all the beauty that it can bring to our everyday life.
In view of the fact that 1 October 2011 is National Cardmakers DAY, I thought that I would share with you some of my Card Creations. I am not a Rubber Stamper, but rather enjoy Designing cards with all my left over Scrapbooking materials. Here's hoping that you enjoy the Designs and I would simply love to hear from you with regards to feedback. Please email me at I look forward to hearing from all those Divas who are Cardmaking, Scrapaholics!!